My Writing

Girls at the W.TEC She Creates Camp for girls
Oreoluwa moderating a panel


Oreoluwa with a book


Photo from Woomen's technology Empowerment Centre - W.TEC

Non Profits /NGOs

Women & Girls at W.TEC Camp

Girls & Women

Oreoluwa with a book



I love to read. There's no feeling like loosing yourself in a good book. So I wonder why I don't do it as often as I would like. Well, no, I know the answer to that. My life is so full of other activities that crowd out the time that I would have devoted to reading....

Surfing the Crisis

To say that this pandemic and the ensuing stay-at-home period took us all by surprise is trite at this point. In order to make sense of it, many of us scoured the news for updates on the pandemic. We wanted to better understand the virus, how it was spreading and what...

#Nonprofit Funding: Staying Afloat

I spoke at a webinar last week titled “Rethinking Your Business Amidst Uncertainties” hosted by The Resource Space.All the speakers were business owners in a range of sectors from jewellery to crafts and education. They shared their experiences in keeping their...

W.TEC On BBC Africa The BBC Africa featured W.TEC's work. It is a great honour to have our work showcased on such a global platform. Over the last 12 years, W.TEC has worked with *over 31,000* girls, women and teachers. Over...

#NonProfit Funding: Those Big Baller Donors

Last week we looked at the different funding sources for nonprofits.. We will now look at each type of funding, starting with Individual Donors. Most nonprofits likely receive the greater percentage of their funding from individual donors. Individual donors can make...

Funding in These COVID-19 Times

All organisations need money to survive. As a nonprofit, you need to think like a business and understand where your money is coming from. Many nonprofits receive about 70% of their income from individual grants. It is never a good idea to have most of your income...

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