
9/11 Those now iconic numbers are forever and inextricably linked to a day of great and previously unimaginable tragedy. Although initially planned as an attack on the United States of America, it rippled tentacles of fear and uncertainty across the world. On the...

Finding Your Voice

Baby steps!! Me at an International Women’s Day Event in 2008 These pictures show possibly one of my first speaking engagements ever (co-incidentally an International Women’s Day event). After launching W.TEC in 2008, I found myself being invited for...

What Will I Be When I Grow Up?

Hobbies. Jobs. Career. Vocation. I think this is a message that I should have heard when I was much younger and trying to figure my way around the world of work. I was so hung-up about what I should study, what I would be, how to incorporate my interests with my...

One Year On…

According to Instagram, it was a year ago today that I posted this. At the start of 2020, W.TEC was featured in TIME Magazine via a letter written to our alumnae by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web). It was and is still a huge honour. But what I...


I started this year with making my goals as I usually do. Last year for the first time, I attempted S.M.A.R.T goals instead of the typical New Year’s resolutions, which are almost always abandoned by February or March. This time, I included key performance...