So, here I am taking another stab at blogging. My first blog – Ore’s Notes: started in 2005 and I kept it up for 7 years. Incredible! I am surprised by my dedication to it. That is not to say that I lack the willpower to follow things through, but seven years is an immensely long time to stick at anything.
By October 2012, which is when I made my last post, I was running 2 businesses and had experienced some life-shaking, thunderclap events, in the wake of which, sharing my inner ruminations seemed indulgent and time-wasting.
In the 6 years that have since gone by, I have returned from my zombified state to the land of the living. My life is so profoundly different now and I have traveled the path back from my phase of struggling to just live and get my normal day-to-day tasks done to a trying to reclaim my previously more measured and reflective state of mind.
In the intervening years, I saw peoples’ online activities move from writing and reading blog posts with at least 3 solid paragraphs per post (the Nigerian blogosphere used to be a thing) to tapping-out a series of 140-character tweets, to scrolling through photos in an Instagram feed. Now, very few people write. Instead they vlog. In the evolving climate, spending hours lovingly crafting blog posts that would very likely remain unread diminished the appeal of blogging for me.
But then, I forgot the first rule of writing: You write for yourself.
Even when no one is reading what you produce, you must write anyway. This is how it was for me when I started to blog. I derived so much fulfillment from being able to pin down the ethereal thoughts in my head to words on a screen – readable by me (and maybe others).
I’d like to try and relive those feelings of satisfaction, so, I am going to give this another go.
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