It’s All Downhill From Here

“Unhappy is he who depends on success to be happy,” Alex Dias Ribeiro, a former Formula 1 race-car driver, once wrote. “For such a person, the end of a successful career is the end of the line. His destiny is to die of bitterness or to search for more success in other...

The New Art of Networking

“You must get out there and network.” “Your network is your net worth.” “The difference between the successful and unsuccessful people is the quality of their network.” You will undoubtedly have heard (and been told) any or all of...

Doing the Most

This used to be me until this year. I’ve always pushed myself to do more. I think growing-up as an intelligent student (so said my Mum) but not at the top of the class pushed me to try to out-work my peers. And it worked out quite well for me. Then came 2020,...

Just Start!

I came across two quotes recently that resonated so deeply with me. The first, which I shared on my Instagram feed was “You’ll never be 100% ready. Just start.” I believe this wholeheartedly and this is the story of how I started my social...